a luna challenge is coming!

a luna challenge is coming!
Canterlot sure does look pretty during Luna’s night!
Thanks for the submission, Empyu! Hope to see you in the future for more challenges!
Artists Included:
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Yes please~
Thanks for the submissions Hexado! Hope you’ll join us next time for another challenge!
Artists Included:
hexado (https://hexado.tumblr.com/)
The Twilight challenge for today is the city of Canterlot!
Inside, outside, anywhere you want, just draw a place from Canterlot!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Have fun!
The tribal leader Zecora look is rather nice, yes!
Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
Let’s do this again sometime!
Artists Included:
Submissions coming right up!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!