Today’s Twilight challenge is, in honor of Neither Snow Nor Rain day, is Mail Ponies!

They’re always there for you, and nothing slows them down, Mail Ponies will deliver anything you send diligently and (as) quickly (as they can)! Show your respect for them!

You have 30 to draw and 15 to submit!

A replica, as you can clearly see thanks to this handy plaque, since putting a real alicorn skeleton on display would be far more difficult given their scarcity.

Thanks for the submission lunadudee5-456006614, hope to see you again in the future for more challenges!

Artists Included:


The Cadence challenge for today is pony skeletons! 

Draw them inside a pony, draw them outside a pony! Have them chasing or fighting a pony or each other! In piles, re-animated, worn as a costume, drawn on as maekup, or even actual suits of skeleton armor made from bones! 

Whatever you do, you got 30 minutes to do it, and 15 to submit, so lets see what y’all come up with! 

Artists art used in order:

Today’s Celestia challenge is clumsy ponies!!

Some ponies are natural athletes, others, not so much. Today we want to see thee klutzy ones! Trips, falls, drops, and the like can all be pretty funny (as long as nopony gets seriously hurt) so lets see some!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!