No draws tonight; see ya for another one soon~
Month: September 2017
Tonight’s challenge is… Iron Will, the macho minotaur! He’s gonna whip you into shape. Draw him doing whatever, thirty to draw, fifteen to submit, you know how it goes.
Draw time at the usual time in like 55 minutes time.
He’s got quite a bit of anger in him, but he still wants love too!
Thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you had fun and we’ll see you again for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
xbi (
the box is closed!
let’s see what we’ve got!
the box is open!
you’ve got 15 minutes to submit!

Tonight’s Twilight challenge is….Pharynx!
Despite being part of the newling hive, he refused to change. Holding onto the old ways. To the hive’s disapproval. Though it’s interesting to note that he had differing colors even for a normal changeling.
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
A twilight challenge is coming up get ready!

Not sure if that last one is want or bleh :’D but either way let us not speak of the forbidden leaf, just enjoy the chocolates.
Thanks for participating folks! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you later for more stuff! Bye for now!
(While trying to find the name of the tea horse above I found some mlp tea blends, so that was interesting: )
Artists Included:
Derpanater (
Cammy (
Zemer (