The box is open! You have 15 minutes to get your art in!!
Month: September 2017
Today’s Celestia challenge is Academy Records!!
Academy records are being broken left and right! What record just got broken and by who?
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
The next challenge is 1 hour away! We hope to see you then!!
Maybe when you’re older, Applebloom. Right now AJ and Rara have a lot of catching up to do~
Thanks for the draw, dnon; cheers and see ya next time!
Artists Included:
dnon (
Tonight’s challenge is… Applejack and Rara! Such adorable friends. Draw ‘em hanging out, young or older, whatever ya like. You’ve got thirty minutes and fifteen to submit, good luck~
Challenge in 55 minutes~
So, I figure that they easily convinced Scoots to mow for them, and she wanted to own the lawnmower that Dash grew up with, so Bow gave it to her as an excuse to buy a sweet new riding cloudmower for himself!
Thanks for taking up the challenge today you guys, hope to see you all for the next one!
Artists Included:
Empyu (
xbi (
Box Is Open!

Time to see those freshly mowed cloud lawns!
Today’s Twilight challenge is: Cloud…lawnmowing?
That’s right! Whatever it was that Dash’s dad was doing, draw that! Maybe he’s just really crappy at being a pegasus and can’t kick his lawn into shape anymore? Or maybe they really DO mow their cloud lawns! YOU DECIDE! Draw whoever you want, mowing cloud lawns!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit, have fun!
Challenge in an hour!