Grace and poise can be impressive, especially when it is done like this. If you spend all your normal life on all fours hoofs the skill in learning how to stand on just two hoofs must be a challenge. Add to that the skill needed to make it a beautiful dance this homage is a real tribute.

Meanwhile it seems pinkie is showing off her fandom side in a little less subtle manner. Although im not sure i can understand what she is saying. Maybe if she spoke louder and in wookie. grrraraararraaar

Thank you to xbi and pabbles for these adorable pieces of art.

Artists Included:

xbi (
Pabbles (

Ponified homage challenge.

Shows often pay homage to others as they go and my little pony is no different. So you will have thirty minutes to draw either ponies doing something related to another fandom or a character from another fandom as a pony.

It can be a show a book a movie or anything else you can think of, but regardless when the inbox opens you will have fifteen minutes to send in the art to the inbox.

so be it allonsy, exelliarmus, or walking into mordor just pick something to pay homage to and go wild.