Today’s Twilight Challenge is…

Yeah, it’s Star Wars everyone!

You know that once Indie film project that became one the the Galaxy’s most powerful franchises?

With 10 movies now and a crazy number of TV episodes, video games, and books there is plenty of the Universe to be explored!

So grab a fuzzy friend and DRAW!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit!

The cadence challenge today is pony themed Christmas trees! Now, I couldn’t find exact images of what I mean by this, so i’ll elaborate. This challenge comes in two flavors, the first being trees themed after a specific pony, such as a tree themed after Rainbow Dash or Trixie. The second is trees themed the way a specific pony would decorate them, like how would Twilight decorate her tree? Or Spitfire? 

You’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit the results!

Today’s Celestia challenge is The Spirit of Hearth’s Warming Presents!!

No, not the spirit of hearth’s warming present, but the spirit of the gifts. She came here to explain to Snowfall Frost that there is more to giving a gift than just giving an object. It’s a way to show you care about somepony.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!