Today’s non-pony Cadance challenge is… the Sonic and Hooters team up!

This mix up of Sonic Forces and the food chain Hooters is confusing yet oddly compelling, even after all this time! Let’s see what you can come up with!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Twilight, acting a little like Pinkie Pie!

Could it be that’s Pinkie fun-loving charm rubbed off onto our pony princess? cause Twilight’s certainly starting to be like her. Doing her “Pinkie Pie” voice for a hearth’s warming song, sweeping the floor in rhythm, setting up a party (okay, it’s not the same kind of parties Pinkie plans), even her handshake with Cadance is kinda cheery. Has she found a new idol, or could Twilight accidentally take one step too far and make Pinkie mad?

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit. Have Fun!