Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Sky Pirates!

Ah airships. Beautiful, majestic soaring vessels. But as with any ship, there’s also a risk for… piracy. “Rescue” treasure my flank. Y’all straight up stole the goods. But whatever, you’re freakin’ awesome! Draw some fukken’ Sky Pirates!

You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!

Art sources:

Shining is tearing up the floor. Keep grooving Shining! And yoga has got to be the best way to opening those chi flows. Pinkie shall soon be one with everything, man.

Thanks, Gryphon BBQ and Pabbles for your submissions today! Stay Groovy and see you next time!

Artists Included:

Gryphon BBQ (http://)
Pabbles (

Today’s Twilight Challenge is the 70’s!

Hippies, the Disco, bell-bottom jeans, and Flower Power. The 70’s was a far out time of changing styles and ideologies which brought an incredible splash of color to the world.
Let’s put away the lava lamps, pick up our pencils and feel the groove!

Let’s take a long cool 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit