Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Princess Rarity!

She’s always wanted to live in Canterlot, but it’s likely she’d also enjoy being a royal mare as well. All the handmade dresses she’d wear, being among other classy ponies, and enjoying all the sophisticated social events. The closest she’s ever been a Princess was for the Hearth’s Warming pageant, and re-enacting Princess Luna being banished. But you can dress her in any Princess outfit.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!

Pinkie pie seems very engrossed in the flames. Probably because she can relate to it with how much passion she has burning inside her for parties.

Although she still should be a bit more careful when that close to fire.

Thanks to pabbles for this pink ponk art and we hope to see you all again for the celestia challenge.

Artists Included:

Pabbles (

Fireplace challenge

The weather outside is starting to get frightful. So a nice fire in the fireplace can be delightful. So for lunas challenge tonight you can draw them with someone else, in some nice extras or take the chance to draw some lighting effects, whatever you choose to try out.

So you get 45 minutes to draw something that will warm our inbox for the 15 minutes it will be open. And don’t worry I already fire proofed the inbox.