The Cadence challenge for today is Love! It’s a beautiful thing, fills your chest with warmth and floods your thoughts with happiness! Why, you can barely stop smiling when you’re in love! And really, why would you WANT to stop smiling anyway? You’re in LOVE!  

Draw some pony couples who love each other, or really anything you can think of to do with ponies and love, doesn’t even have to be romantic, just has to be some kind of love! 

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Let the power of love guide your drawing implements to glory! 

Today’s Celestia challenge is Wonderbolt Nicknames!

Everypony who makes it into the wonderbolts gets a nickname based on something stupid or clumsy they did. So far we know of:

 Rainbow Crash,


 Flatfoot and Dizzy,

Slowpoke, and Hoof-in-mouth. 

You can draw any of them earning those or show us what Spitfire’s is…

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!