The Twilight Challenge this time is… Flash vs. Flash!

Magnus vs. Sentry to be precise.

One of them risked his life to save his friends, the other one stole Twilight’s heart.

One of them survived an onslaught of dragons, the other one rocks on the guitar.

Who will win?

You have 45 minutes to draw this epic clash of the Flash, or the results, and 15 minutes to submit!

Oh Twilight, just try it! You’ll see that they help a ton with concentration, and just filling up free time! Also, Pinkie has handily ( or hoofedly ) made them all the colors of the other mane six not currently in this picture!

Thanks for making this awesome piece of art for the challenge, Veesocks! Hope you’ll join us again for more challenges!

Artists Included:

Veesocks (