Reminder that we are still doing a roundup!

The Luna Challenge may be over, but we will still keep accepting submissions.

If you had missed the deadline for any previous challenge and wanted a chance for it to shine. Be sure to submit your art now!

The roundup will be accepting the following…

  • Updated Challenge Pictures!
  • Challenge Related Art- things you didn’t get to participate in but wanted to, or missed the deadline for!
  • Art using materials like Cosplay or Film Makers!
  • Art for the Blog such as icons or Quick Draw pictures! 

The Luna Challenge this time is… Nightmare Rarity!

When the Nightmare Forces needed another vessel, they sought out Rarity, feeding off her insecurity and fear of being unwanted, corrupting her into the new queen of darkness. It tooked the combined love of Twilight and her friends, and the combined might and cameos of Ponyville to defeat her.

You have 30 minutes to draw, followed by 15 minutes to submit!

Source for final image

The Roundup Is On!

For the next 24 hours or so we’ll have The Roundup going!

That means you can submit as much want of the following, the box will be open the whole time…

Updated Challenge Pictures
Challenge Related Art- things you didn’t get to participate in but wanted to!
Art using materials like Cosplay or Film Makers!
Art for the Blog such as icons or Quick Draw pictures!

Doesn’t matter how much time has passed since challenges or how much time you put into a piece, it’s all good.

Challenges will run as usual during this time period!

Have fun 😀