Month: January 2018
Starlight Glimmer got very over powered that day she learned levitation magic could be used on herself.
Thanks for the art, xbi! Hope you had fun!
We hope to see you back here later for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
xbi (
The box is open! It’s time to submit your art!!
Today’s Celestia challenge is Non-Pegasus Flight!!
Sure pegasi have mastered flight, but other ponies seem to have found ways to get into the air too! From crazy flying contraptions to simple balloons, and even crazy things, show some non-pegasus pony finding a way to take to the sky!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Just 1 hour until the Celestia Challenge! Get ready!!
Looks like these genies are ready to grant some wishes!
Thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you all had fun! We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
MasterofRoku (
Nova Spark (
Pabbles (
box is closed
let’s see what we’ve got!
box is open!
time to submit!

Tonight’s Luna challenge is….ponies as genies!
Genies vary from being kindhearted wish granters to more mischievous and even malicious spirits! Don’t take their powers for granted! But what would ponies do as genies? who’s wishes would they grant? What would their lamps or bottles look like?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
A luna challenge is coming up!