Wine her and diner challenge

Pun aside this is a diner based challenge. Be it for a date, a lack of desire to cook, or nothing is in the house people and ponies alike will eat out. Fast food and chain restaurants are fine, but sometimes you want to have something in between. For that we have a diner. So for tonight draw someone at a diner, alone or with someone else.

For this challenge you get 45 minutes to look over the menu and select something for yourself. It can be even be the kiddie menu. Then there will be 15 minutes to send in your project. And don’t worry I’ll leave the tip for the waitress.

Glad that these ponies found time to be awesome!

Thank you to everyone who submitted!

Artists Included:

Zacxkh (
JumbleHorse (
Empyu (
m0nster-c00kie (
xbi (

Today’s Twilight Challenge is…

Pirates! Yarr!!

Ok as fun as a pirate accent is I ain’t gonna use it. With that said go out and make the pirates happen!!!

As usual there’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Don’t get scurvy!

Alicorn babies, evil amulets, and the power to wield scissors big enough to cut an Ursa Major’s hair! Certainly abnormal magic being shown here if I do say so myself!

Thank you all for participating! We hope to see you all return for future challenges!

Artists Included:

Eyso (
Empyu (
xbi (

For today’s Cadence, I present to you abnormally powerful magic!

Spells are used by unicorns every day, but some ponies are just weirdly strong with magic, writing and casting highly powerful spells that put even the princesses to shame at times! 

So, lets see some OP magical prowess being displayed by abnormally powerful ponies!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Time to power up those minds and hands to make your powerful thoughts come to life!