The box is open! You only have 15 minutes to submit your art!!
Month: February 2018
Today’s Celestia challenge is Trenderhoof!!!
This charming pony loves looking for the latest trends and the finer things in life. This means he gets all sorts of unique experiences and adventures. Maybe today he found what will be the next popular thing! What is it?
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
The Celestia Challenge starts in just 1 hour! Get ready!!
Box is closed

Looks like we got nothing.
See you all soon for another challenge!
Box is open!
Bow down and submit your bows!

The Luna Challenge this time is… Bows!
It’s time for fun with words!
Draw someone taking a bow, wrapping stuff up in a bow, firing an arrow from a bow…Whatever that word means to you.
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit.
Luna Challenge in an hour!

don’t worry, there’s always next year!
thanks for the submissions, everyone! Hope you all had fun. We’ll see you all for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
FlutterThrash (
Micboom (
Pabbles (
box is closed
let’s see what we’ve got
box is open!
get those submissions in!