The box is open! You have 15 minutes to submit your art!!
Month: February 2018
Today’s Celestia challenge is Curling!!!
The Winter Olympics are happening and many competitions have already been done. Of all the sports many of us find odd, curling may be the strangest. That said, it seems like a fun application of physics, and I bet lots of ponies would enjoy playing. Draw anypony you want giving this interesting sport a try!!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
The Celestia Challenge is coming up in just an hour! We hope to see you then!!
she still has the armor and undershirt, it fits too well to let go!
Thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you all had fun! We’ll see you again for the Celestia challenge!
Artists Included:
Nova Spark (
Pabbles (
Tempest has plenty of time to enjoy herself now!
Artists Included:
mpushomework (
box is closed!
let’s see what we’ve got!
box is open!
better submit while you can!

tonight’s luna challenge is….Tempest Shadow!
The storm king’s commander…or rather ex commander. I wonder what she’s up to these days?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
a luna challenge is coming!

Will Derpy and Derpy make it in time to save Rainbow Dash? Will Rainbow Dash be quick enough next time?! Found out next week at another 30 Min Challenge!!
Thank you Empyu and Pabbles for your submissions! See you again soon!
Artists Included:
Empyu (
Pabbles (