The Box is Open!

There’s 15 minutes to submit!
There’s 15 minutes to submit!
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Ponies on Adventure!
Whether it’s an epic quest to save Equestria or just an unusually exciting run to the grocery store these ponies have things to see and places to be!
There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun and avoid the snakes~
Videogames galore! All straight from your local pony gaming store! Get yours today!
Though, I guess neither Button nor his mother looked up any reviews of Supermane before purchasing it…
Many thanks for todays participants, and we’d love to see you return for future challenges!
Artists Included:
Empyu (
Pabbles (
Ah, good old N64! For this Cadance challenge, I wanna see you give it an equestrian twist! What would the N64 be like if it existed in Equestria? Obviously we’d have pony themed games, but would it look different? Maybe have pony themed specialty consoles, like that pikachu one? You decide!
Draw anything you can think of to do with an equestrian version of the N64! You have 30 minutes to do so, and 15 minutes to submit your results. Game on!
Drowning certainly is a big fear for lots of ponies. Lets hope it is indeed irrational.
Thanks for the art, Desertfox500. Hope you had fun!
And we hope you will be back later for our other challenges!!
Artists Included:
Desertfox500 (
The box has been opened! Don’t be afraid to submit your art!!
You have 15 minutes to get your art in!
Today’s Celestia challenge is Irrational Fears!!!
It’s easy to get too much into your own head and make up scenarios that will never happen. Still, those type of things can be a major fear for many ponies (and a draconequus!) As a result, ponies can act differently because of these ridiculous fears. It can cause them to be overprotective, change their behavior so their friends (they think) will like them more, or be just plain silly.
Choose anypony you want. What irrational fears do they have?
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Art by:Snapai