The Celestia Challenge starts in an hour! Hope you join us then!!
Month: February 2018
Mmm…craving satisfaction…
Thanks to Empyu and Pabbles for participating!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Empyu (
Pabbles (
Box is closed!
Let’s see what tasty treats we managed to snag…
Box is open!
Alright, I found chips, hot dogs, and brownies. What did these ponies find?

The Luna Challenge this time is… Midnight snacking!
S-Sorry, I probably shouldn’t run challenges on an empty stomach, but I’m really hungry right now.
So, draw some ponies sneaking out and raiding the fridge or pantry, while I go grab something to eat.
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Luna Challenge in 1 hour!

Apparently we’ve landed in Silent Ponyville. I’m quite ok with this!
Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!
Artists Included:
tacodeltaco (
m0nster-c00kie (
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Silent Hill!

There was a challenge here. It’s… still here! Just kinda.. rusted. And dark. Hope you have a flashlight. A nice radio would come in handy as well. Listen for the static. Draw some fukken’ Silent Hill!

You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!