1 hour reminder!

My, what a mysterious and ancient ruin indeed! Who knows what this may be, or once have been, or how long it’s been here…Twilight must be so excited to find out!
Thanks go out to you, Pabbles, for being today’s only successfully submitted participant for this challenge! And we are eager to see you back for more yet to come!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
I hope the Cadance challenge for today doesn’t leave you all in ruins….because that’s what it’s about! Ancient structures of equestria, long forgotten or at least neglected to the point of becoming dilapidated and abandoned. Lets show these old places a little love, eh?
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Now go, create with your art that which hath been destroyed!
Two challenges in one, but no submissions! Oh Well!
See you later for the Cadance Challenge!
Whoops, we somehow got another two challenges clashing this time! But we’ll just keep it rolling!
Submit your Product Placements or Sally Acorn drawings!
Today’s Non-Pony Celestia Challenge is… Princess Sally Acorn!
From the Sonic SATAM series, and the original Archie comics, Sally leads the Freedom Fighters, alongside Sonic the Hedgehog, to defeat Dr Robotnik from taking over Mobius.
Draw anything you like with this character!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
Today’s Celestia challenge is Product Placement!!
In order to make a bit more money, many will sell out a bit and allow themselves to be endorsed by a company. Surely ponies must do this too, right? Be it shameful full on selling out to a mega corporation or just associating your face with a product you already use, product placement can be a great marketing strategy.
Who is going to be the new spokespony for what company?
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Art by Stormclad
Challenge coming in 45-minutes!