Our next challenge starts in only an hour!! We hope you join us then!!
Month: February 2018
Make her sing, Tavi!
Thanks to Selbbap for your submission!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Selbbap (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
Box is closed!
Box is open!
The Luna Challenge this time is… Pinkie Pie and Octavia Melody!
Once upon a time, we believed that these two were sisters.
Though, you don’t have to draw them as sisters for this, it’s just what inspired this challenge.
You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Source: https://derpibooru.org/12326
1 Hour till Luna Challenge!
Wow, so many hats tonight! Couple practical, some silly and others royal.
Thank you, Gryphon BBQ, Master of Roku, and Xbi for all your submissions!
Artists Included:
Gryphon BBQ (http://)
MasterofRoku (http://masterofroku.tumblr.com)
Xbi (http://Https://xbi.deviantart.com)
The Box is Opened!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Hats!
Such a simple accessory can have a wide variety of uses, some are for warmth, protection, fashion or even just for fun. So pick your favorite and go mad like a hatter
There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
1 hour till the Twilight Challenge!