Month: February 2018
“Snakes, Why did it have to be…” Oh wait, those aren’t snakes!
Thanks Anon!
Artists Included:
Box is open!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Daring Do (Equestria Girls version)
It’s everyone’s favourite action adventure heroine, Daring Do, from the classic books and now on to the big screen. And playing the role is actress and
humanitarian, Chestnut Magnifico. And it looks like she plays the part well!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
60-minutes to next challenge!
Get Ready to draw!
Ooh, a mystery submission of our mysterious zebra friend, removing the mystery of what her cloak is evidently hiding!~
Thanks for the submission my anonymous friend, hope you’ll join us again for future challenges!
Artists Included:
All submissions anonymous
Box is open!

Cloaks are tonight’s Luna challenge! Simple and brown or embroidered and impressive, they come in all shapes and sizes! Just remember, a cloak has a hood, a cape does not!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit! Let the covering commence!
Luna challenge coming up at the top of the hour, everypony!

Some Lewd cave exploration got past me!
Thanks, anon and Selbbap for their submissions!
Artists Included:
selbbap (