Please leave all mom’s in the bin on your right. Thank you for choosing 30 min Challenge and hope you enjoyed your flight.

Please leave all mom’s in the bin on your right. Thank you for choosing 30 min Challenge and hope you enjoyed your flight.
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Mom’s doing mom things!
We really don’t give these gals enough credit or love. Always supporting, caring, and teaching their kids what’s best. let’s show these mom’s that we appreciate they’re hard work!
You’ll have 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Art Sources:
I don’t recall any electronic store that help with “those” devices, but I guess Twi is willing to test anything!
Thanks for participating, Dnon!
Artists Included:
dnon (
Submit your entries!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Sci-Twi at work!
Everyone’s gotta work somewhere at the mall, and for Twilight it’s the electronics store. From selling products to assisting customers with fixing faulty devices, she has the know-how when it come to technology.
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
See you later for the next challenge!
well that’s certainly one way to sneak into the movie theater
Thanks for the submission,VoraciousCutie! Hope you had fun with it! We’ll see everyone for the Celestia challenge!
Artists Included:
VoraciousCutie (
let’s see what we’ve got!
time to submit! don’t want to be late for the movie now do you!?