I sense some drawings will be posted!
Month: February 2018
Box is open!
Time to submit your Pinkie Sense drawings!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… The Pinkie Sense!
Pinkie Pie has an ability that predicts future events. Whether it be her ear flopping down or her tail twitching, something’s gonna happen and she knows it. Has she experienced any new twitches or motions? It’s entirely up to you!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
Get your drawing tools ready!
Good for you, Derpy! Don’t drop it on the flight back home!
Thanks to Prince Skylight for your submission!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Prince Skylight (https://prince-skylight-art.tumblr.com/)
Congratulations to our very sexy winners, may your glory be long and hard to dethrone!
Thanks to DankFlank, dogg, and Selbbap for your submissions! (Dankflank was first, so they get the gold medal for submissions)
Artists Included:
DankFlank (https://dankflank.tumblr.com/)
dogg (http://doggart.tumblr.com/)
Selbbap (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
Box is closed!
Box is open
What have our winners won?

The Luna Challenge this time is… Medals/Awards!
The thing we get to prove that we’re better than everyone else.
And the more medals you get, the better it feels to brag about it to everyone else.
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
(Disclaimer: There are no awards for submitting first, but you do get bragging rights if you do.)