Today’s Non-pony-ish challenge is… Wildfire!

The classic Hanna-Barbera show about a Mystical talking horse and Sara, who discovers she is a princess, and returns to the kingdom of Dar-Shan, destined to fight the evil witch Lady Diabolyn and her band of Goons!

Also, does Wildfire remind of you of somepony else?? Hmmm….

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!

ARR! Those be some mighty fine pony pirates I reckon!

Big thanks to all our participants today! I hope you all choose to come back and join us again. More art is always a welcome sight!

Artists Included:

Cuddle Shy (http://)
m0nster-c00kie (
Empyu (
Pirate Dash (
MasterofRoku (