time to submit!

time to submit!
Today’s cadance challenge is…alicorn princess big mac
Big Mac dreams of being more than just an earth pony. And even takes this form to help stop the tantibus. I wonder how many times he’s dreamt about this?
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit
Cadance challenge coming up
No entries? Guess we’ll just wait until the next challenge comes!
We’ll be waiting!
Sorry to have kept you “waiting”! Today’s Celestia Challenge involves some very impatient ponies!
Is there a pie in the oven that’s almost done? Is anypony waiting in line for something? Or is there some mail yet to be delivered? It’s up to you!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
Get ready to draw! Challenge coming up!
Well, it would seem that the job of delivering to us any submissions we might of gotten, was given to Post Haste himself! Unfortunately, getting INTO discords realm was far easier than getting OUT, so….we got nuthin’. BUT! Nothing can stop the mail! So we’ll get stuff eventually! Perhaps for our NEXT challenge!
The Luna challenge for tonight is this guy! Post Haste! The poor mailpony who has to deliver stuff to Discord, and I think he might still be stuck in Discord’s realm!
Draw him doing whatever, and you have 30 minutes to do so, and 15 to put it in the inbox!