Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Dating Sim: Shadowbolts!

We’ve done dating sims a time or two… but naturally we gravitate to our main horse girls. This time around lets try out the Shadowbolts!

Other than that do whatcha like! Just needs to be dating sim-y and Shadowbolt-y. Can ponify, can use other crystal prep students if you want, et cetera. Go nuts!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Quibbles having all sorts of adventures, hanging on ropes, getting more Daring Doo stuff, and I guess he misses Dash! Hopefully they will get to hang out again soon!

Thanks for the art everyone! I hope you all had fun!

We hope to see you back later for more challenges!!

Artists Included:

VeesocksAD (
el-yeguero (
LockeZero (