tonight’s Luna challenge is….ponies going on an adventure!

What kind of adventure are they going on? A quest to save the world or just see something new?

you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!

Looks like the sailor scouts come in many forms today don’t they? They got to pony up, they got to do a bit more literal take on their leaders name, and of course the classic scout look.

Thank you to everyone who sent in the art for this challenge and i hope to see you all for lunas challenge

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Ivy (
penlink (

sailor moon non pony challenge

Todays twilight challenge for non ponies is that of sailor moon. With many movies, shows, comics, and fanon merch out there it is a well known series. Even the fact it isn’t new and many people know and love it still So for today lets dive into this series.

Take 30 minutes to draw someone from the series and then we can have 15 minutes to submit it to the challenge. I hope you have fun with this color filled series. And don’t worry you can do pluto even though it is not technically a planet.