See you in an hour for the next challenge!
Month: May 2018
Hopefully this teaches you a lesson.
Thanks for your submission, penlink!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
penlink (
Box is closed!
Box is open!

I can and I will.
The Luna Challenge this time is… Rainbow Dash is Grounded!
For doing what? And what’s the punishment! It’s up to you. She knows what she did.
Now go to your room. I’ll let you out in 30 minutes. Then you have 15 minutes to submit.
Clearly, Ocellus is actually Chrysalis’s daughter! And she is kindly telling Thorax to take care of her for the weekend!…or she’s evil, they are all her children, and she wants to try and steal the power of love from them.
Either way, thanks Empyu for submitting for the challenge! Hope you’ll join us again sometime!
Artists Included:
Empyu (
My my, how quickly they grow! Seems like daddy approves of his daughter’s assets, too!
Thanks for doing an art for the challenge, dogg! Feel free to come again anytime!
Artists Included:
dogg (
Box is open!

The Twilight challenge for this evening is Thorax and Ocellus together! Whether their relationship is father/daughter, King/subject, or anything else, I wanna see these two hanging out together!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Bug friends unite!
Twilight challenge in 53 minutes!