D’awww! Look at all this cute! It’s a pretty nice style to go by. Let’s hope maybe after some more refinement they might continue these toys in the future.

Thank you to Zemer and LockeZero for the submissions!

Artists Included:

Zemer (http://Zemer-art.tumblr.com)
LockeZero (http://lockezero.tumblr.com)

So, my McDonalds has now started selling these little guys! It’s quite a different style from the previous pony toys they’ve had. 

And for today’s Cadance challenge, I want you guys to try and draw some stuff in this style! Maybe other ponies, maybe scenery or architecture, the choice is yours! Lets call this challenge, the New Mcdonald’s pony style! 

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. 

Today’s Celestia Challenge is Grand Entrances!!

Some ponies like to look really cool when they appear. What could get people more excited for your show or to hear your stories?

Anypony you want could be making their showy arrival.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!