Sorry for the delay. The box is open!! You have 15 minutes to submit your art!
Month: September 2018
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Pinkie Playing Instruments!!
Pinkie Pie sure does like to try playing all sorts of different instruments, even when she isn’t always very good at it. But the amount of instruments she has tried to play, with varying success, surpasses what any normal pony could probably do.
Draw this silly pony playing whatever instruments she feels like today.
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!
The next challenge is coming up in 1 hour! We hope you join us then!!
Boulder! I know you can be stubborn at times and twiggy won’t last as long as you but still. I mean isnt that a bit to hash of a break up? Also what did chrissy do to make fluffle so mad at her? They seemed so cute together.
Thanks to elbenjaftw and dsp2003 for these pieces tonight. See you in the morning for celestia.
Artists Included:
elbenjaftw (
dsp2003 (
Inbox is closed
Lets see what ships have sunk shall we?
Inbox is open

I got my earplugs ready for any yelling so the inbox is open and ready to take in the art. I’ll keep it open for 15 minutes and then we will see what happened.
Angry breakups!

One thing about this, and likely any big enough fandom. Any two characters who can be shipped will get shipped. That said I think we can agree even couples that seem like they could work don’t always work. So today thats the theme. Break up! specifically ones that go very loud and angry. The more angry the better.
So you will have 45 minutes to draw a duo for a breakup, then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox. So no matter the ship you choose its time for it to sink.
Luna challenge

The luna challenge starts at the top of the hour. See you then.
Well these are interesting uses of time travel! I gotta ask why Applejack is the only one having fun though???
Thanks go to the anonymous artist and KD the submissions! Hope to see ya later!
Artists Included:
KD (
The box is open!