Submissions coming up!
Month: September 2018
Box is open!
Wondercolts ready? get submitting!

Everybody Cheer! For today’s Celestia Challenge is the Canterlot Wondercolts!
They done it once to help Twilight Sparkle win the crown at Fall Formal. But it doesn’t have to stop there. They could cheer on for anyone or any event at Canterlot High!
Pick whoever you like as a Wondercolt (it doesn’t have to be the Mane Six)!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
30-minute challenge coming in one hour!

Woah, there’s so much going on, I can’t tell who’s winning!
Thanks to Nymph, elbenjaftw, and dsp2003 for your submissions!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Nymph (
elbenjaftw (
dsp2003 (
Box is closed!
Box is open!
The Luna Challenge this time is… Rainbow Dash vs. Balloons!
Who would win? One pegasus with the power to break the visible light spectrum, or a bunch of floaty bois?
Wow…she, uh…really hates those things…
You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Luna Challenge Popping in 1 hour!

No! Bad kitty, no biting!!! Well while the sphynx is misbehaving there seems to be a cute blushy Dash up in the clouds.
Thank you elbenjaFTW and Pabbles for the adorable submissions! We hope to see you again soon
Artists Included:
elbenjaftw (
Pabbles (