The Luna Challenge this time is… BEING RICH!

What good is money if you cannot literally roll around in it?

Get so much gold you go blind from the reflection of your hoarded bits!

You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!

Twilight seems to have done a bit to much studying or perhaps research. The changling looks so cute snoozing while pinkie and rarity look like they are so tired the world is warping. or maybe its just discord.

thanks to everyone who submitted to this challege and now maybe you should take a nap so you can be awake for lunas challenge.

Artists Included:

LockeZero (
Shade (

exhaustion challenge

todays twilight challenge is exhaustion. Bot just tired but to the level when you almost don’t feel tired. To the point where you could collapse any moment. I am sure being so tired will have a huge impact on anypony or any creature.

so take 30 minutes to draw someone in utter exhaustion then you will have 15 to send it into the inbox.