Box is open!

The Luna Challenge this time is…80′s Cheerilee!
Look at her hair!
Oh, we checked the archives, girl. That is NOT how everypony had their mane back then.
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Mean Rainbow Dash didn’t bother showing up! We hope to see you for the Twilight challenge!
time to submit!
today’s cadance challenge is…mean rainbow dash!
Element of loyalty, she definitely isn’t! This version of RD is cruel, uncaring and dismissive. She couldn’t care if somepony was hurt or in danger, the concept of ‘friendship’ means nothing to her!
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
cadance challenge comin at ya!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Vehicles!
Trains, Planes and Horse drawn carriages! Or whatever mode of transport. Ponies travel in weird ways, especially the non-pegasi. There are flying machines, hot air balloons, trains, and lots of other stuff. A strange amount of them are pulled by ponies, but lets ignore that logic for now.
Draw any sort of pony transport you want, whether we’ve seen it or not!
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Prepare yourselves! The Celestia Challenge begins in 1 hour!!
Either the box is empty or these ponies are just pros at hiding…