Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Kirin!

A deceptively sweet Japanese cooking wine… wait, no, that’s mirin. Scratch that. Ok. Kirin! Strange creatures from outside of Equestria that put a new spin on the concept of fiery rage! Or at least did, until they took a dip in a stream of silence. Then some ponies stumbled in, found a cure, and unleashed unspeakable evil back upon the world. Or not. Who knows. Draw some fukken’ kirin!

You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!

today’s cadance challenge is…Dragon lord Ember!

she’s a trusted ally and friend to Spike and the others. But she’s still quite a bit hot headed. I wonder what she’s been up to?

you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!