Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Fluttershy on the tambourine!

Everyone in the Rainbooms have their own instrument. Fluttershy has a tambourine. She’s got rhythm, she’s got music… is she happy about it?

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!

the scream of sadness that i am sure more than a few gamers can relate to or the scream of a power up that takes something like four episodes to finish up. Which do you think will be heard from farther away?

Thanks to elbenjaftw and lockezero for their submissions and see you for luna.

Artists Included:

elbenjaftw (
LockeZero (

screaming challenge

I scream, you screa, we all scream. The reason why depends on whats going on but screaming is something that everyone does sometimes. Be it fear, happiness, or something else it can be good to let it out.

So take 30 minutes to draw someone screaming. The why and intensity is up to you. Then you get 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.