Month: December 2018
Box is open!
Time to heave ho into the submissions box!

The Luna Challenge this time is… Applejack being Strong!
Earth ponies are known for their strength, but Applejack is on a totally different level.
Show off her true power!
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Showing off the Luna Challenge in 1 hour!

Uh…you ok, Rainbow Dash?
Thanks for submitting, lockezero!
See you guys for the Luna Challenge!
Artists Included:
lockezero (
Box is open!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Faceplanting!!!
Ouch, falling right on your face isn’t the best thing to do but whether it’s brought on by an outside force or if it’s self inflicted, it will still hurt a whole lot. Draw some hurt!
There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun
The challenge is in 15 minutes!

we don’t question Pinkie’s ability to stay warm. but at least everypony else is bundled up!
Thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you enjoyed it. We’ll see you again for the Twilight challenge!
Artists Included:
dnon (
Wolfy (
box is closed
let’s see what we’ve got