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Today’s Celestia Challenge is… That good ol’ holiday spirit!!!
Oh hey! It’s still December right!? Well maybe some holiday cheer can help us forget that the couch is on fire. Draw your favorite character(s) enjoying (or loathing) the holidays.
There’s 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
well now it seems everypony’s surprised by the flaming nipples!
Thanks for the submissions everyone, hope you had fun! We’ll see you again for the celestia challenge!
Artists Included:
KD (
MKogwheel (
let’s see the results
time to submit those nipples!
tonight’s luna challenge is….draw a character with fiery nipples!
There’s plenty of flame based characters we’ve seen who would be rocking some flame nipples! ….or perhaps they just lit theirs on fire for reasons we don’t understand. Either way, let’s see some hot nipple action!
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
luna challenge coming up!
Not every story needs to have a lot of words to be nice. Sometimes just a little bit will get across everything you need to say. This I think is one of those times. A cute little story.
Thanks to elbenjaftw for this piece of art and see you all for luna.
Artists Included:
elbenjaftw (
As per tumblrs rules we are labeling this as nsfw. After all we have a woman presenting nipples so avert your eyes if you struggle with this lewdness.
thanks to lockezero for this creative use of the challenge.
Artists Included:
LockeZero (