Huh…Alright. Well, I’ll get the Luna Challenge up in an hour. I just gotta go bake something.

Hmmm… that cutie mark doesn’t seem all that innocent to me…
Thanks for participating folks :3 hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you next time for more challenge! Bye for now!
Artists Included:
All submissions anonymous
Oh my it looks like some mischievous spirit is at play! 😮
Artists Included:
Tay (https://twitter.com/NaughtyArts)
She collectin’ sin in that thar hourglass! Sin I say! Just 15 minutes to crack that open…
Today’s Twilight Challenge… is LEWD NUNS. Or priestesses. Whatever your fancy may be.
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
This is a good christian tumblr, okay?
Okay, they gone? Come back in an hour. It’s gunna be nasty.
I think this is a good time to post this.
(#if we reblog it enough it might become a staff pick)
Keep it up.
Oh no this went on the challenge blog oh no my hand totally slipped oooooh nooooooo.
We’ll figure that out. Right now it’s up for discussion.
To put it bluntly it’s very likely we’ll be migrating somewhere new at the least.
Tumblr can go fuck itself at this point. We’ve been playing ball as hard as we could play it for a long time and they just kept making it harder.
Okay, maybe I was too literal on the word “nothing”.
No submissions this time.
Submit your entries!