The box is open!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Wings!
Go out and show us those wonderful flappers with your favorite characters.
There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit. Have fun
Sorry Rainbow Dash but we have to cut you off. After all you aren’t the only one to show up for Cider Season
Thanks to elbenjaFTW for the great submission! Hope to see you again!
Artists Included:
elbenjaftw (
Today’s Cadence Challenge is… Drunk Ponies!!
This is what happens when you have one to many. I hope they’ll make it home alright
As usual there’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun
It would seem our box decided to participate too! Unfortunately, it was empty at the time it began so, it just infinitely looped it’s own emptiness…leaving it empty at the end of the challenge too. But more challenges await for future participants! So there always next time!
The Celestia challenge is Infinite Loops!
45 minutes to draw, 15 minutes to submit.