A Pet for Starlight

So, everypony we know has some kinda pet animal.

Twilight has an owl, Fluttershy has Angel the bunny, Rainbow Dash has a turtle, even Sunset Shimmer in the other world has a lizard.

But what about Starlight? She doesn’t have one. What would be the best suited pet for her?

File:Tank S2E7.png

File:Derpy Cameo Appearnce S2E7.png

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!

This time the nose knowns…

Image result for mlp nuzzle"

Image result for mlp nuzzle"

That it’s the challenge! That’s right, nose stuff! Sneezin’, sniffin’, snortin’, and perhaps most important of all what with pones… NUZZLES.

Take your pick of anything as long as you include something with a nose!

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~