The Twilight challenge tonight is….Ace Aviator Tank!

He can fly with the best of them, and frequently does! Though he’s been a little absent as of late. Still, this tortoise is faster than his appearance would lead us to believe!…also, clearly lighter. Anyway, let’s see some high flying Tanks for today’s challenge, eh?!

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Have fun!

Today’s NSFW Luna Challenge is…

Image result for ahegao mlp

Lewdifying a pony’s talent / particular interest!

Twilight’s books? Lewded. Pinkie Party? Lewded.

Today the idea is to focus on that something special and make it diiiirty XD maybe make it a pony you never considered lewdly before? OCs welcome of course if you think the other stuff has been done or whatnot.

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~