Month: August 2021
Today’s Luna Challenge is…
This odd trio. Not that I expect you to draw all of them. But just something focused on them in some way. Like, man, could you have ever anticipated Big Mac, Spike and Discord as a group?
So yeah, 45 minutes to create anything centered on this… general… concept followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Forgot I said 30
Sorry about that, box open now. We’ll give it a few.
Today’s Twilight Challenge is…
The Tree of Harmony!
Its still fairly mysterious, really. Whats the deal? Its a tree, its a treehouse, it eats evil, it can be Twiggie.
Do as you will with this magic oddity! Explore its sentience, make a variant, whatever floats your boat.
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Unlucky? I dunno…
She’s getting some of that attention she wanted at least~
Thanks for participating S.F.W., hope you had fun!
We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~
Box is open!
A bit late but still plenty of time to submit~
That’s right, unluckiness!
Simple as that, MLP and bad luck! Perhaps you’ve something up your sleeve? Or will you fall down the stairs on this one?
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Simply Delicious!
Fusion or magical daughter? You decide!
Anyway, thanks for participating Xbi and S.F.W. hope you guys had fun!
We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~