guess Seabreeze was too busy tonight. we hope to see you all for the Luna challenge.
Author: Novaspark
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time to submit!
this evening’s twilight challenge is….Seabreeze!
Seabreeze is a breezie who just wanted to get back to his wife and child. A bit more of a go-getter compared to some of the other breezies. Don’t let that small stature fool you, he’s not one to be pushed around.
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
50 minute reminder
twilight challenge coming up
that’s certainly one way to de-stress from a long day at work
thanks for the submission, shinyfilthywork, hope you had fun! We’ll see you for the twilight challenge.
Artist Featured:
ShinyFilthyWork (
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time to submit!
today’s cadance challenge is….the spa twins!
Lotus and Aloe are the hardworking owners of the ponyville spa, their expertise is hardly matched by anypony else in equestria. I wonder what they do in their off time to relax?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Cadance challenge coming up
Sunset and Pinkie are the best odd couple
Thanks for the submission, Shinyfilthywork, hope you had fun and we’ll see you for the luna challenge.
Artist Featured:
ShinyFilthyWork (
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time to submit!