time to submit!
Author: Novaspark
This evening’s challenge is…Mean Twilight!
She’s cruel, cunning and just as magically powerful as the real Twilight Sparkle! This doppelganger is not one to be messed with! She and the others were turned back into pieces of wood, but Chrysalis seems to have kept Mean Twilight’s piece…could she make a return?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Twilight challenge coming up
that definitely isn’t a muffin
Thanks for the submission, Pabbles, hope you had fun! We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)
box is open
time to submit!
this evening’s challenge is…forgetfulness!
Sometimes even things that are important can slip from our minds. Who’s being forgetful today?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
50 minute reminder
Twilight challenge coming up
box is closed, no submissions
Guess nobody’s going on a trip today. we hope to see you all for the Luna challenge.
box is open
Time to submit
this evening’s Twilight challenge is…Road Trip!
Go out and see the world. What is the final destination? What sort of things will you find along the roads in Equestria? Who’s going on a road trip today?
You’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit.