Twilight challenge coming up
Author: Novaspark
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seems that Seabreeze is busy spending time with his family. We hope to see you all for the next challenge.
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today’s twilight challenge is…Seabreeze!
Don’t judge by his size, Seabreeze has enough attitude for a full sized pony! Unfortunately being a breezie isn’t as easy as it seems. If blown off course, he can get into all sorts of trouble. But what is he up to today?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
50 minute reminder
Twilight challenge coming up
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Guess Mario and Co. are busy on their next adventure. We hope to see you all for the next challenge.
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tonight’s non pony luna challenge is…Paper Mario!
This spin off series has been going on since the N64 days. while it’s started off as a traditional rpg, the series has experimented with the later titles. Which is your favorite? With a brand new game coming soon, it’s time to jump back into the paper crafted world, time those jumps, equip some badges and gain those star points!
You’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
45 minute reminder
Luna challenge coming up!
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guess Fluttershy and Tree Hugger are busy caring for some rare animals. We hope to see you all for the next challenge.