Luna challenge coming up!
Author: Novaspark
box is closed, no submissions
I guess Stygian’s a bit busy with his new life. We hope to see you all for the next challenge.
box is open
time to submit!
tonight’s Luna challenge is…Stygian!
This pony once let darkness corrupt him, transforming him into the pony of shadows! But once he was shown the error of his ways along with reconciling with the pillars of Equestria, he’s really turned his life around! He’s even got a book deal! How else has his life changed since his return?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
35 minute reminder
Luna challenge coming up!
don’t be fooled by their cuteness, the guardian-goyles are quite fierce
Thanks for the submissions, everyone, hope you all had fun. We’ll see everyone for the next challenge.
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nsfw submission
well that’s one way to get the guardian-goyles distracted!
box is open
time to submit!
this evening’s Twilight challenge is…the guardian-goyles!
These ancient creatures help protect treasures, we’ve only seen them in pony like forms but are there other types of guardian-goyles out there?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit
1 hour reminder
twilight challenge coming up