time to submit!
Author: Novaspark
today’s non pony twilight challenge is…the legend of Zelda!
With the franchise hitting it’s 35th anniversary this year it’s a great time to celebrate the long running franchise. Which is your favorite game in the series? The nes original? The dark tones of Majora’s Mask? The seafaring adventures of Wind Waker? Or perhaps you’re new to the series and started with Breath of the Wild?
you’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Twilight challenge coming up!
box is closed, no submissions
guess no one wanted to work out today. We hope to see you all for the next challenge
box is open
time to submit!
today’s twilight challenge is…working out!
There’s never a bad time to exercise, it’s always good to be healthy. Of course one can go overboard with it too….but regardless, who likes to get a good sweat going and work out?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Twilight challenge coming up
Thanks for the submission, Pabbley. Hope you had fun. We hope to see everyone for the next challenge!
Artist Featured:
Pabbley (https://twitter.com/pabbley)
box is open
time to submit!
today’s twilight challenge is…Twilight’s fear of Quesadillas!
What could have brought on this fear? She mentioned them being too cheesy, did she bring one to life and it captured her with cheese? Did she burn herself? What is the story here?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!