twilight challenge coming up!
Author: Novaspark
No matter how much time passes, the memories will always be with you.
Thanks for the submission, Antimation, hope you had fun! We’ll see everyone for the Luna challenge.
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Antimation (
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this evening’s twilight challenge is….looking back/ reflecting!
It’s natural to feel sad with the show over. But let’s look back on all the memories we’ve made along the way. What were your favorite moments throughout the years? Let’s stroll down memory lane one more time.
you’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
twilight challenge coming up!
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I guess everyone’s waiting until it gets closer to Nightmare Night to carve their pumpkin. We hope to see you all for the Luna challenge.
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this evening’s twilight challenge is….pumpkin carving!
With halloween/nightmare night coming up, it’s time to carve some pumpkins! Does Equestria go all out with their pumpkins or do they like to keep it simple?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
50 minute reminder
Twilight challenge coming up!
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I guess Kirby’s off taking a nap. we hope to see you all for the Twilight challenge.