She definitely ‘destroyed’ that pie~
Author: Novaspark
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this evening’s Twilight challenge is….Pie Hating Rainbow Dash!
She was just a figment of Pinkie’s overactive imagination, but what if she were real? With her laser eyes and wild looks, she’d destroy every pie in Equestria! She’s quite edgy, in the very literal sense!
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Twilight challenge coming up!
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Guess Sunset wasn’t in the mood to stream, we’ll see you all again for the Luna challenge.
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this evening’s twilight challenge is….Livestreamer Sunset!
Sunset has taken a liking to quite a few things in the human world, especially video games. Going so far as to become a livestreamer herself! What kind of games does she like to stream? Fighters? Shooters? RPGs? Or is she all about the horror games and the jumpscares?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
50 minute reminder
Twilight challenge coming up!
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Guess CheerileeĀ is too busy prepping for the start of the school year. we hope to see you all for the Luna challenge.
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