A Pet for Starlight

So, everypony we know has some kinda pet animal.

Twilight has an owl, Fluttershy has Angel the bunny, Rainbow Dash has a turtle, even Sunset Shimmer in the other world has a lizard.

But what about Starlight? She doesn’t have one. What would be the best suited pet for her?

File:Tank S2E7.png

File:Derpy Cameo Appearnce S2E7.png

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!

Cadance Challenge

Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! The well-known bakery from Ponyville!

File:Mr. and Mrs. Cake packing up S1E4.png

File:Pinkie Pie free muffins! S01E04.png

File:Gilda wants Rainbow Dash to leave with her S1E05.png

File:My Little Pony party.jpg

Here you can sample the many delightiful treats, freshly prepared by Mr and Mrs Cake. And of course our cheery pal, Pinkie Pie is there to help serve you.

Cupcakes, muffins, cookies, birthday treats, you name it, they got it.

Has the old place still survived, or have they spruced it up since we last saw it?

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit!

Wake Up, Sunset!

Sunset Shimmer is still asleep from a big party last night, and her friends are kindly helping her get up.

What’ll be? A little hard work? some exercise? a sugar rush?? Or maybe something that might be more suited for Sunset?

File:Sunset Shimmer going back to sleep CYOE11.png

File:Sunset Shimmer suddenly blanketless CYOE11a.png

File:Sunset carrying very heavy rocks CYOE11a.png

File:Sunset and Rainbow in bent over pose CYOE11b.png

File:Sunset given a big tray of sugary food CYOE11c.png

File:Pinkie Pie touching Sunset's stomach CYOE11c.png

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!